Class 12th English chapter-3.A PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question

Class 12th English chapter-3.  A PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question

  • Class 12th English chapter-3. PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question

1. The basket contained –

(A) fruits
(B) a cat
(C) sweets
(D) vegetables

Answer ⇒ (B)

2. Namukaka had third class ticket but travelled in the second class because

(A) he was clever
(B) there was no third class
(C) he lost his ticket
(D) there was no room in the third class

Answer ⇒ (D)

3. The author was merely-

(A) an under secretary
(B) a secretary
(C) a clerk
(D) a peon

Answer ⇒ (A)

4. ‘A Pinch of Snuff’ is written by –

(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar
(D) Pearl S. Buck

Answer ⇒ (C)

5. Manohar Malgoankar has written the lesson –

(A) I Have a Dream
(B) A Pinch of Snuff
(C) Bharat Is My. Home
(D) The Earth

Answer ⇒ (B)

6. Nanukaka wrote a cheque for a…………rupees.

(A) thousand
(B) hundred
(C) five hundred
(D) ten thousand

Answer ⇒ (A)

7. The second important person Nanukaka had planned to meet was-

(A) The Home Minister
(B) The Railway Minister
(C) The Welfare Minister
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

8. Ratiram was the son of …………

(A) Mohanlal Ratiram
(B) Sohanlal Ratiram
(C) Jaganlal Ratiram
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (B)

9……is a humorous story.

(A) The Earth
(B)The Artist
(C) A Pinch of Snuff
(D) above of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

10. There is nothing like honesty was said by —

(A) Nanukaka
(B) Sohanlal Ratiram
(C) Ratiram
(D) Hajrat Barkat Ali

Answer ⇒ (A)
Madhav ncert classes

Objective question class 12th English 100marks


Class 12th English 100 Marks A PINCH OF SNUFF Objective Question  english | English 100 Marks Objective Question 

11. Nanukaka has a unique quality of telling –

(A) stories
(B) truths
(C) lies
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

12, Nanukaka handed over a cheque of a thousand rupees to a-

(A) Carpenter
(B) Dhobi
(C) Gold smith
(D) Milkman

Answer ⇒ (B)

13. Nanukaka portrayed himself as the hereditary astrologer of the Maharaja of-

(A) Jaipur
(B) Bikaner
(C) Ninnore
(D) None of these ·

Answer ⇒ (C)

14. Nanukaka was a very ……. Man.

(A) food
(B) stupid
(C) honest
(D) clever

Answer ⇒ (D)

15. ‘A Pinch of Snuffy is a …

(A) novel
(B) poem
(C) short story
(D) essay

Answer ⇒ (C)

16. ‘A Pinch of Snuff is in fact a detailed character sketch of ………..,

(A) Sohan Lal
(B) Nanukaka
(C) Ratiram
(D) Manohar Malgoankar

Answer ⇒ (B)

17. Manohar Malgaonkar was the ……….. om Probation.

(A) Secretary
(B) Under Secretary
(C) Joint Secretary
(D) Chief Secretary

Answer ⇒ (B)
Objective question class 12th English 100marks
Class 12th English chapter-3. PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question


18. Nanukaka’ was installed in-

(A) the guest room
(B) the drawing room
(C) author’s bedroom
(D) the verandah

Answer ⇒ (C)

19.The author had taken-

(A) five days’ leave
(B) three days’ leave
(C) two days’ leave
(D) six days’ leave

Answer ⇒ (C)

20. Nanukaką in a linguistic emergengy always turned to

(A) English
(B) Hindi
(C) his mother-tongue
(D) Sanskrit AMY

Answer ⇒ (C)

21. Nanukaka thought that the secretary treated them coldly because they had not gone in

(A) an old car
(B) a bigger car
(C) a small car
(D) a new car

Answer ⇒ (B)

22. Nanukaka took out his cheque-book and wrote a cheque

(A) five thousand rupees
(B) two thousand rupees
(C) a thousand rupees
(D) five hundred rupees

Answer ⇒ (C)

23. Nanukaka was coming to Delhi –

(A) to visit the Red Fort
(B) to see some minister
(C) to participate a conference
(D) to spend the summer

Answer ⇒ (B)

24. Nanukaka was author’s –

(A) brother
(B) neighbour
(C) maternal uncle
(D) friend

Answer ⇒ (C)

25. The author has a complex about

(A) relative
(B) guest
(C) officials
(D) ministers

Answer ⇒ (D)

23. Nanukaka travelled in-

(A) the A.C. Class
(B) the Second Class
(C) the Third Class
(D) the First Class

Answer ⇒ (B)

27. On the platform Nanukaka handed over the author

(A) a bag
(B) a box
(C) a briefcase
(D) a basket

Answer ⇒ (D)
28. ‘A Pinch of Snuff’ is written by –

(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) H.E. Bates
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar
(D) Pearl S. Buck

Answer ⇒ (C)

29. Manohar Malgoankar has written the lesson –

(A) I Have a Dream
(B) The Earth
(C) Bharat Is My. Home
(D) Non

Answer ⇒ (D)

Class 12th English chapter-3. PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question
A pinch of snuff objective


30…… was coming to visit the narrator’s family.

(A) Sohanlal Ratiram
(B) Hajrat Barkat Ali
(C) Nanukaka
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

31…… went to the minister in Jodhpuri coat.

(A) Nunukaka
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar (Author)
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

32. The speaker put on his white Jodhpuri coat and the ……… turbom.

(A) orange
(B) red
(C) yellow
(D) black

Answer ⇒ (A)

33. Nanukaka was to stay for….

(A) four or five days
(B) three or four days
(C) two or three days
(D) a week

Answer ⇒ (C)

34. …… informed the undersecretary about Namukaka’s. visit.

(A) father.
(B) mother
(C) friend
(D) brother

Answer ⇒ (B)

35. Nanukaka was related to the narrator as he was his mother’s—

(A) uncle
(B) father
(C) brother
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

Objective question class 12th English 100marks

36. ………… is the main character of the story ‘A Pinch of Snuff.

(A) Nanukaka
(B) Sohanlal Ratiram
(C) Manohar Malgaonkar
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (A)
Class 12th English chapter-3.A PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question
A pinch of snuff objective


Bihar Board 12th English notes | a pinch of snuff objective question answer | a pinch of snuff objective question answer | a pinch of snuff ka objective question answer

A pinch of snuff ka objective question answer


By- madhav sir


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Class 12th English chapter-3. PINCH OF SNUFF All objective question

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