Class 12th English chapter -1. SWEETEST LOVE, I DO NOT GOE All objective question ।। 12th English-100 marks objective question with answer-

Class 12th English chapter -1. SWEETEST LOVE, I DO NOT GOE All objective question ।। 12th English-100 marks objective question with answer




1. John Donne has written the poem –

(A) Song of Myself
(B) An Epitaph
(C) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe
(D) The Soilder

Answer ⇒ (C)

2. The poet in Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe is…………. his beloved

(A) tired of
(B) angry with
(C) sad for
(D) happy for

Answer ⇒ (C)

3. John Donne is going to ………… leaving his wife behind.

(A) France
(B) Germany
(C) Italy
(D) England

Answer ⇒ (B)

4. John Donne thinks that that ………….. is certain.

(A) death
(B) work
(C) life
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (A)

5. John Donne wants to go away because he is not tired on his ……………..

(A) mother
(B) father
(C) beloved
(D) sister

Answer ⇒ (C)

6. The poet (John Donne) is better than the

(A) moon
(B) sun
(C) earth
(D) sky

Answer ⇒ (B)

7. John Donne feels that a …………. is very hopeless.

(A) animal
(B) goat
(C) bird
(D) man

Answer ⇒ (D)

8…. has been described as a metaphysical poet.

(A) John Keats
(B) T.S. Eliot
(C) John Donne
(D) Walt Whitman

Answer ⇒ (B)

9. . .. wants to gladly accept death,

(A)Walt Whitman
(B) John Keats
(C) John Donne
(D) T.S. Eliot

Answer ⇒ (C)

10. John Donne had seen the sun setting ……………. night.

(A) today
(B) yesterday
(C) tomorrow
(D) None of these
(C) bird

Answer ⇒ (B)

Class 12th English chapter -1. SWEETEST LOVE, I DO NOT GOE All objective question ।। 12th English-100 marks objective question with answer

Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe

11. Donne present himself in ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ in-

(A) the first person singular number
(B) the first person plural number
(c) the third person singular number
(D) None of thes

Answer ⇒ (A)

12. Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is-

(A) a didactic poem
(B) an allegorical poem
(C) a love poem
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (C)

13. Donne is well-known for his-

(A) songs and sonnets
(B) satires
(C) sermons
(D) All of these

Answer ⇒ (D)

Madhav ncert classes

14. In the poem, ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ ‘dye’ stands for-

(A) to die
(B) to paint
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (A)

15. John Donne has written the poem –

(A) Song of Myself
(B) An Epitaph
(C) Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe
(D) The Soilder

Answer ⇒ (C)

16. The poet in Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe is…………. his beloved.

(A) tired of
(B) angry with
(C) sad for
(D) happy for

Answer ⇒ (C)

17. ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ may be compared with Shakespeare’s

(A) ‘All the World’s Stage’
(B) ‘The Marriage of True Minds’
(C) ‘Blow Blow Thou Winter Wind’
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (B)

18. Who has composed the poem,’Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe ?

(A) John Donne
(B) Andrew Marvell
(C) George Herbert L.
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (A)
Madhav ncert classes

19. John Donne was the pioneer of –

(A) Elizabethan poetry
(B) Metaphysical poetry
(C) Restoration poetry
(D) Neo-classical poetry

Answer ⇒ (B)

20. Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is-

(A) sonnet
(B) an ode
(C) a lyric
(D) a ballad

Answer ⇒ (C)

21. ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ has been addressed to-

(A) Donne’s sistet
(B) Donne’s mother
(C) Donne’s friend
(D) Donne’s wife

Answer ⇒ (D)

22. The occasion of the poem, ‘Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe’ is Donne’s

(A) continental trip
(B) space tour
(C) voyage
(D) None of these

Answer ⇒ (A)

Class 12th English chapter -1. SWEETEST LOVE, I DO NOT GOE All objective question ।। 12th English-100 marks objective question with answer




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Class 12th English

Class 12th English chapter -1. SWEETEST LOVE, I DO NOT GOE All objective question ।। 12th English-100 marks objective question with answer

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